13 Sqn - Flab Ford

1. AII Topo course, map revision somewhere near Newbury 1959. 2. Percy with the Sqn Officers. 3. Roundabout 1963 13 Sqn's Cook Cpl Percy Clare retired.

Additional names:
Del Drummond, the fresh faced 18 year old 4 weeks out of the Apprentice Chef Coy JTR ACC, posted to 13 Fld Svy Sqn on the 1/1/1963 standing in the back row 6th from the left (white shirt) standing next to him 7th from the left is Geoff Munn (also ACC ). 6th from the left in the front row Jack Taylor ( I still have the scar to remind me of him ) forgotten the name of the 8th from the left front row but I do remember he had an E-Type Jaguar in Aden.

4. Back of Sgts Mess Fernhurst 1957 Flab Ford, Matt Murphy NS Scouser, Bill Gordon NS Scotsman,
 Alan Lambert NS Cook (Yorkie). Matt played guitar extremely well and used to run a skiffle group at the Wheatsheaf in Midhurst.